Addressing the Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church

If you have been keeping up with the news, you know that the Catholic Church has been embroiled in a sex abuse scandal. From the release of the Pennsylvania grand jury findings to the revelations about former Cardinal McCarrick to the publishing of Archbishop Vigano’s letter, the news has been horrifying to receive. 

At Holy Name of Jesus we too have had a strong reaction to each new report. The revelations of abuse and cover up have raised a lot of questions and emotions within our community: How could this happen? Who knew about it? When did they know about it? What does this mean for us? We have felt disgusted, dissappointed, and frustrated. 

With so much information and reaction swirling around this issue, it is important that we allow for clear, brave, and faithful voices to be heard. To that end, we have gathered some resources that we think are helpful for processing and reflecting on the current abuse crisis.

We know this page is an imperfect answer and won’t heal the hurt caused by this betrayal of trust. However, we do trust in God’s work and in God’s ability to turn even the worst brokenness into goodness and holiness through the healing power of the cross.

Links and Resources

Learn about what Holy Name of Jesus does to keep youth and vulnerable adults safe. 

Hear from Fr. Mike Schmitz on his raw reaction to the reports from Pennsylvania.

Listen to a Q&A with Bishop Robert Barron about the abuse crisis and faith.

Watch Chris Stefanick explain why he's not leaving the Church at this difficult time.

Read a letter from Archbishop Hebda to our Archdiocese.

Read a letter from Bishop Cozzens to our Archdiocese.