Join a Small Group
Jesus started his universal church in a small group, so we are adopting the same strategy at HNOJ.
While we are blessed with a very large, dynamic parish, it can be overwhelming to find close connections and friendships and to think “I’m just another number.”
You’re NOT just another number.
Whether you are new to the parish or not, we can help you get started.
- Meet people with similar interests at HNOJ
- Develop authentic friendships and a support group
- Deepen your personal relationship with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
This September to December we’ll be following a similar format for small group sign-ups as we did last Lent. During the weekend of Sept. 28-29, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a small group. And you can ask our team questions in the Gathering Space after Masses that weekend. Or you could sign up today.
Science and Religion Speaker Series
Are science and religion diametrically opposed forces? Can people of faith also follow the evidence of science? Is it possible or right to "believe" in science?
In November, HNOJ is going to tackle these questions and more in a three-part series - Science and Religion.
At each session, a presenter from a field of the natural sciences will present a brief talk. Then a panelist of experts discuss the session's topic. The night will conclude with a period of questions and answers from those in attendance.
We will be addressing the intersection of science and religion within topics such as AI, cosmology, medicine, miracles, evolution, the Eucharist and more.
Mark your calendars for 6:30-8 p.m. on Nov. 12, 19 and 26. More information coming soon!
Nov. 12 - AI for Catholics with Ian Sherman
What does a practicing Catholic need to know about Artificial Intelligence? More than you might expect. Ian Sherman presents on AI, faith and what we as Catholics need to know when it comes to this kind of technology.
Nov. 19 - Science and the Shroud with Jon Hickman
The Shroud of Turin has been in and out of the popular imagination for many years. Is it real? What can we believe to be true about it? Jon Hickman will use the shroud as an entry point into a conversation about the relationship between science and religion.
Nov. 26 - Medicine and Belief with Dr. Jessica Jarnot
In a culture where it seems like people put more faith in science and medicine than they do in religion and God, how is a Catholic to understand medicine, health, life and death? What considerations come into play when someone gets a life changing or terminal diagnosis? Where is God in the people's lives when facing significant medical treatment? These questions and more will be discussed by Dr. Jess Jarnot at session three of our series.
Men's Nights
This isn't complicated.
Get the guys together, have beverages and food, hear a message of immense value, have a chat, and head out.
6-6:30 Rosary in the Main Church by the Mary statue. (Optional)
6:30-7 Dinner (Emmaus ABCD)
7-7:30 Talk
7:30-8 Discussion
Guys, we are launching a new Men’s Night at HNOJ. Our focus is going to be on Prayer, Shared Meal, and True Community.
All guys 21+ are welcome and this nights will be the kind of event you can invite any guy you know to join.
Dates (mark your calendar now)
Oct. 24 - "What do you want to eat? - Chris Kostelc
Nov. 21
Dec. 17
Jan. 23
Feb. 20
March 20
April 24
May 22
More information and sign up here.
When you come to Holy Name of Jesus, we want to make sure you have the best worship and fellowship experience possible. Whether it’s the need for low-gluten hosts, hearing aids, large print worship aids, childcare, bible studies/small groups or fellowship with Sunday morning hospitality, we have you covered!