
Momco Logo

Whether you're expecting your first child, have a baby, toddler, or your youngest is in school, MomCo is for you! Formerly MOPS, MomCo re-branded its name in 2024 to better reflect the lives of 21st century moms. However, its mission remains the same: to help moms of young children realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. In our group here at Holy Name of Jesus you will find friends, mentors, speakers and activities all focused on helping you be the mom and woman you were created to be. 

MomCo @ Holy Name of Jesus (HNOJ) believes in developing a fellowship of moms who support one another, and we believe that we can do more as the hands of Christ together than individually. We meet in small groups throughout the school year and host events like Moms' Nights Out, service activities and family gatherings. 

MEETING TIME: 9-11 a.m. the first and third Fridays of the month, September through May. Childcare is available.

COST: $100; which includes the MomCo International Membership, childcare and speaker fees. 

Registration for 2024-2025 is now open with the link below. You may email us with questions. You can also contact Chris Kostelc at 763-745-3489 or email Chris for more information.

Register Here
