Men's Ministry


Men's Ministry at HNOJ exists to help the men of HNOJ to grow as active, Catholic Disciples of Jesus Christ.Mens groupFrom our Men's Breakfast to our regular Night events, HNOJ Men's Ministry is here to help grow good, holy men. We strongly believe that faith grows when we are surrounded by other men commited to growing in faith. Men's Ministry wants to put men in environments where they can meet, grow in friendship and faith, and build life long bonds with other men all seeking to follow Jesus Christ. 

Men's Events

GRIP LIVE Podcast - New this year at HNOJ is a LIVE recording of the GRIP podcast. This is a podcast hosted by Jeff Peterson and features parishioner Todd Johnson and Chris Kostelc. Each recording of this 5 part series features a letter of the word GRIP (with an introduction) and a special guest. 

GRIP - is a acronym for Grouping, Reading Scripture, Invest in faith and Pray daily. Todd Johnson developed this four piece strategy for men to grow in our faith. If we do these 4 things we will stay in God's GRIP and not the world's grip. 

Men's Retreat - This is an annual fall event. Check back for our 2023-2024 date.

Knights of Columbus - Men were meant to do. While we can grow in our faith through study and small group discussion (and we should), going and serving others is another way that men learn to follow Jesus and be like St. Joseph. For more information about the Knights and how to join, click here. 

HNOJ Men's Ministry Team

If you have an idea that the Men's Group would enjoy, or wish to join the leadership of Men's Ministry, contact one of the core team members listed below and share your idea with the group
