Men's Community Bible Study

Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of God

St. Jerome

St. Jerome got it right when he asked: How can you know God if you don’t know his story? Here’s an opportunity for men to delve into the word of God with others in our community. All denominations are welcome.

Monday nights at 7 p.m. in the music room (the old church) at HNOJ.

There are over 100 men growing in Christ and engaging as a group and in small study groups learning and sharing their insights and questions while becoming the disciple of Christ in your life.

Join us this year as we engage in the Gospel of Matthew, enjoy fellowship and make great friends on Monday evenings with the Men’s Community Bible Study. 

It’s never too late to start, and all are welcome. If you are interested, please contact Bolt Moore at 763-428-5662 or Deacon Dennis Hanson at 763-473-7901 for more details.

Download a registration form


Bible Study Participant Testimonials

"The Men's Bible Study has been a way for me to deepen my faith through the study of scripture and fellowship with the other men in the group. I like that you don't have to be Bible scholar to participate in the study."

"CBS is a great place to look deeper into the scripture. An environment that is friendly and non-threatening, that is encouraging and helpful, that is centered on God's word. A study for men with men looking to increase their faith walk with Christ. And you may meet a new friend at the same time. Could be the guy next to you or it could be Jesus at a higher level."

"We talk about real decisions and temptations that a guy faces each day and how to let God help us deal with them. It makes me a better man in my church, with my family, and at work. I needed this in my life."
