The Catholic Mass is a rich and powerful prayer of thanksgiving and remembrance. It embraces the very core of our Christian faith - Jesus’ death and resurrection. Yet it is also so familiar that we can sometimes miss the entire thing while sitting (and kneeling and standing) in our pew.
Our participation and love for the Mass can grow when we gain knowledge of what we praying and why we are praying it. In this three-session exploration, participants will walk through the Catholic Mass line by line, action by action, prayer by prayer and learn the why behind the what. In addition we will discuss hints, tips, and personal practices that help us pray better each Sunday. We'll have plenty of time for Q and A and perhaps even a Church tour.
Basic Info:
What: A three-session, line-by-line exploration of the Catholic Mass
When: Nov. 3, 10, and 17 from 7-8:30 p.m.
Where: HNOJ in Emmaus ABCD
Who: Anyone and everyone! (No childcare, infants welcome)
Cost: $15
Questions? Contact Chris Kostelc via email.