"Mass Isn't Boring" Summer Lecture Series

Join Fr. Ryan Glaser for a series of lectures on the spirituality and theology of the Church's liturgy. The goal of these lectures is to come to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Church's worship as well as to aid in a fuller, "actual" participation in the liturgy as called for by the Second Vatican Council and recent Popes. Fr. Ryan will present for about 45 minutes so as to leave time for discussion and Q&A at the end. Each lecture is "self-contained" so no worries if you cannot make it to all of them, come to as many or as few as you would like. These talks will be held in the church on the following Wednesdays at both 10 a.m. and again at 7 p.m.

Wednesday, July 26: "In the Beginning..." (Liturgy in the Old Testament) 

Wednesday, Aug. 2: "Do this in Memory of Me" (Jesus and Liturgy) 

Wednesday, Aug. 16: "Vatican II said WHAT?!" (Liturgical Reforms of Vatican II)

Wednesday, Aug. 23: "Words, Worship, and the Word" (Scripture and the Liturgy)

Wednesday, Aug. 30: "Behold, the Lamb of God" (Sacrifice of the Eucharist)


Please note our Senior Bible Study date change for these five weeks:
From July 24-Aug. 28 HNOJ will not be holding our normal Monday morning Senior Bible Study. In its place seniors are encouraged to register for and attend Fr. Ryan’s Mass Lecture Series (Mass Isn’t Boring). 

