HNOJ is launching a new, exciting small group ministry this Lent!
Have you ever felt busy, rushed or overwhelmed?
Do you try to pray but can’t seem to focus?
Do you wish you were more connected at HNOJ or wish your faith was stronger?
This Lent our new small group ministry will discover the art of eliminating hurry from our lives. In doing so, we can tap into the movement of the Holy Spirit and new ways to be attentive to God’s presence in our lives. Curriculum will be based on the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. Materials will be provided by HNOJ.
If you want to live a more connected, spiritually fulfilling life, consider joining one of HNOJ’s new small groups. These groups will be led by and made up of regular people just like you trying to find their way through rushed lives.
We expect about 35 Small groups to begin the week of Feb. 11 on various days and times and wrap up before Holy Week begins (that's only 6 weeks!). They will consist of 1-1.5 hour length meetings which include time to praise, check in, discuss the topic, pray and give thanks. To register, follow the link to our Small Group Software "Group Vitals" where you will see all the groups and ask to join one that works for you. The small group leader will follow up with you to confirm your spot.
All Small Groups/descriptions have been moved to the Website "Group Vitals" which is our Small Group Software. Click the green sign-up button or go HERE.