Science and Religion

Are science and religion diametrically opposed forces? Can people of faith also follow the evidence of science? Is it possible or right to "believe" in science? 

In November, HNOJ is going to tackle these questions and more in a three-part series - Science and Religion. 

At each session a presenter from a field of the natural sciences will present a brief talk, Then a panalist of experts discuss the session's topic. The night will conclude with a a period of questions and answers from those in attendence. 

We will be addressing the intersection of science and religion within topics such as AI, cosmology, medicine, miracles, evolution, the Eucharist and more. 

Mark you calendars for 7-8:30 p.m. on Nov. 12, 19 and 26. More information coming soon!


Nov. 12 - AI for Catholics
What does a practicing Catholic need to know about Artificial Intellegence? More that you might expect. Ian Sherman presents on AI, faith and what we as Catholics need to know when it comes to this kind of technology. 

Nov. 19 - Science and the Shroud
The Shroud of Turin has been in and out of the popular imagination for many years. Is it real? What can we believe to be true about it? Jon Hickman will use the shroud as an entry point into a conversation about the relationship between science and religion. 

Nov. 26 - Medicine and Belief
In a culture where it seems like people put more faith in science and medicine than they do in religion and God, how is a Catholic to understand medicine, health, life and death? What role does belief play in physical health? Dr. Jessica Jarnot will help us answer some of these questions from a medical professional's perspective. 

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