Lenten Study 2022: Vatican II

Vatican II Study

No matter how you precieve the 2nd Vatican Council, no one can argue that this gathering of the Church has singificantly impacted how we practice Catholicism in the 21st century. Now over fifty years after the council closed, some in the Church are calling for an undoing of the reforms of the Council. Others claim the reforms haven't gone far enough. Many Catholics think they know what the council said, but few have read the documents of the council. 

In Lent 2022, HNOJ Adult Formation is going to engage in a four-session study on Vatican II based on the book Reclaiming Vatican II: What It (really) Said, What It Means, and How It Calls Us to Renew the Church, by Fr. Blake Britton. During the study we will review what the documents of the council said about the Church and the world, examine misconceptions about Vatican II and it's implementation, and discuss what a Church that fully lived out Vatican II would be like. 

If you think you dislike Vatican II or you think you love it, this study will likely be an eye openner for you. If you care about your Catholic faith and the Church, then understanding and moving past the divisiveness surrounding Vatican II is vitally important. Let's reclaim this great council of the Church together. 

Basic Info

What: Lenten Study: Vatican II
Dates: March 7, 14, 21, & 28
Time: Morning Session 10-11:30 OR Evening Session 7-8:30 p.m.
Location: Emmaus ABCD at HNOJ
Cost: $30 includes book.
Registration and questions: Email Chris
